The Honor Society for Veterinary Medicine

From its beginning, it has been the aim of The Society of Phi Zeta to stand for constant advancement of the veterinary profession, for higher educational requirements, and for high scholarship. As stated in the Constitution, the Objective of the Society shall be to recognize and promote scholarship and research in matters pertaining to the welfare and diseases of animals.
Phi Zeta was originated in 1925 by a group of senior veterinary students in the New York State Veterinary College at Cornell University. With the assistance of a group of faculty members, including the Dean of the College, Dr. Veranus A. Moore, the Society was formally organized, and Dean Moore was elected as the first president of the Alpha Chapter. The Society of Phi Zeta was organized in 1929 at a meeting in Detroit, Michigan, and Dean Moore became the first president of the Society. Also in 1929, a charter was granted to the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Beta Chapter was established. In 1931, the Executive Committee approved the petition of a group from Iowa State College, and the Gamma Chapter was established. Since then twenty-six chapters have been chartered, bringing the total number of chapters to twenty-nine. Auburn University established the Epsilon Chapter, the fifth Phi Zeta Chapter, in 1948. Chapters of the Society may be formed at any recognized veterinary medical college or at any other institution of higher learning.
Name and Symbols
The organizers of the Society, when seeking a suitable name, sought the help of a learned Greek scholar, Professor George P. Bristol of Cornell University. Professor Bristol suggested a Greek word, which in the Latin form is spelled PHILOZOI and means “love for animals.” The abbreviation of Phi Zeta was adopted as the name of the society.
The emblem consists of a pendant formed by the letter Phi superimposed by the letter Zeta. The design was the work of Louis Agassiz Fuertes, the great naturalist and artist.
Executive Committee
- Dr. Satya Pondugula, President
- Dr. Tekla Lee-Fowler, Past President
- Dr. Stuart Price, Secretary/Treasurer
- Dr. Kellye Joiner, Member
- Dr. Kara Lascola, Member
- Dr. Jessica Rush, Member
Research Emphasis Day
Each year the Epsilon Chapter sponsors a Research Emphasis Day. Students and faculty present their research through posters and seminars. A distinguished speaker is invited to present the keynote lecture. The day is capped by the annual banquet at which awards for best poster and seminar are presented, and new members are inducted to the society.
2024 Phi Zeta Research Emphasis Day Proceedings (PDF)
Phi Zeta Research Day Student Awards
Best Poster Awards
Veterinary: Courtney Dunning – “The Impact of the Non-Nutritive Sweetener Allulose on the Gut Microbiome and Metabolic Syndrome”
Graduate: Philip Strate – “The Development of Virus-Like Particles Targeting Avian Origin Hemagglutinin 5 for Production of Hyperimmune Antiserum”
Undergraduate: Henry Limbo – “Age-Related Changes in Tau and Beta-Amyloid in 3xTg Mice: Implications for Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology”
Best Platform Awards
Veterinary: Grace Hurley – “Evaluation of the ability of Babesia rossi to induce neutrophil extracellular trap formation”
Graduate: Peter Neasham – “Studying co-infection of IAV at the Human-Swine Interface in fully differentiated Primary Bronchial Epithelial Cells”
Category A – Student Members:
Any candidate for the DVM/VMD degree in a veterinary medical college where a chapter exists, and who has completed at least two years of the professional curriculum, and who meets the following requirements:
- The candidate must have an acceptable personality, be of good moral character, and possess high ideals regarding professional service conduct.
- When elected in the junior or third year, students must rank scholastically in the highest 10% of their veterinary medical class.
- When elected in the senior or fourth year, students must rank scholastically in the highest 25% of their veterinary medical class.
Category B – Faculty Members:
Any veterinarian who has been in possession of a veterinary medical degree for at least two years, and who has displayed ability of high order in dealing with one or more phases of the science of veterinary medicine, and who meets one of the following criteria:
- The candidate is enrolled as a graduate student in a college of veterinary medicine and has completed at least twenty semester (thirty quarter) hours of graduate credit or has successfully passed preliminary examinations.
- The candidate has been engaged in an intern or residency program for at least two years or has become board certified in his/her specialty.
- The candidate has completed two years or more on the faculty of the institution or scientific staff of a scientific institution within commuting distance of the nearest chapter of Phi Zeta and has been involved in veterinary research or service.
- The candidate is enrolled as a graduate student in a college of veterinary medicine and has completed at least twenty semester (thirty quarter) hours of graduate credit or has successfully passed preliminary examinations.
- The candidate has been engaged in an intern or residency program for at least two years or has become board certified in his/her specialty.
- The candidate has completed two years or more on the faculty of the institution or scientific staff of a scientific institution within commuting distance of the nearest chapter of Phi Zeta and has been involved in veterinary research or service.
Category C – Honorary Members:
Those eligible to election as Honorary Members are:
- Distinguished veterinarians in possession of their veterinary medical degrees for at least five years and who have rendered notable service to their profession.
- Persons not in possession of the veterinary medical degree, who have rendered distinguished service in the advancement of the science relating to the animal industry and particularly of animal diseases.
- Only in exceptional instances shall any one chapter elect more than two honorary members in any one academic year.
Once elected, Honorary Members are considered as full active members with all of the incumbent rights and responsibilities.
Active members who move from the residence of their chapter may: 1) become known as inactive members and not subject to the payment of dues; or 2) transfer their membership to another chapter.
New Members
Class of 2025
- Claude Ashley
- Elijah Blevins
- Thomas Burke
- Kaitlyn Coffey
- Alena Denardo
- Stephanie Eastep
- Emily Ezekiel
- Julia Galasso
- Colby Gay
- Zoe Johns-Boehme
- Jaewoong Kim
- Jared Lowe
- Sarah Lutz
- Ava Mullin
- Alex Ramirez
- Skyler Sensel
Class of 2026
- Shannon Ballou
- Davis Bostrom
- Elizabeth Carpenter
- Laura Cox
- Kevin Cresti
- Jace Driskill
- Ashley Duncan
- Allison Fialkowski
- Emily Fischels
- Jennifer Hogan
- Alonza Klopfer
- Anna Mathis
- William Newton
- Ashley Selembo
- Peyton Simmons
- Haylee Stamm
- Lyndsay Taylor
- Kayla Yates
- Polina Skliarevitch
- Gloria Sari
- Angie Milena Sanchez-Garcia
- Lana Dedecker
- Ashley Smith
- Tom Jukier
- Miriã Ferreira Criado