Molecular Diagnostics
Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Pathobiology, Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory
350 Greene Hall Annex
Auburn, AL 36849-5519
(334) 844-2690
We diagnose pathogens by quantitative detection of signature nucleic acid sequences with real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methodology. Our approach to microbiological diagnostics has been featured in eBIOForum Magazine (PDF).
Our lab is based on the application of patented real-time PCR methods developed for research with intracellular Chlamydia bacteria.
Our real-time PCR delivers reliable results with rapid turnaround and results available within 24 hours after sample receipt.
What’s New
Our approach to FIP diagnosis has been featured in “Veterinary Medicine.” Please see the Feline Infectious Peritonitis assay for details.
The Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory has now started a comprehensive case-control study to determine the predictive value of our FIP mRNA PCR, alone and in combination with other molecular methods and clinical-pathological symptoms typically associated with FIP. Please see a one-page abstract of the study here: Auburn University FIP Study (PDF).
Create your own CUSTOM PANEL at a discount – we now offer $10 multiple PCR discounts for every PCR after the first one submitted. The canine blood parasite panel for detection of Hepatozoon spp., Babesia spp., Anaplasma spp., Ehrlichia spp., and Borrelia spp. is the most popular combination requested by our clients. Please see our updated Molecular Diagnostics Submission Form (PDF).
All our real-time PCR assays are designed to detect single copies of nucleic acid targets in a large sample volume (equivalent to 0.1 mL of blood); and to recognize the relevant pathogens by use of fluorescent probes, differentiating them from closely related, but in the particular animal species less pathogenically relevant microbial organisms. Because of these strict quality standards, we typically offer the most sensitive and specific assays for these pathogens. Published investigations that use our assays continually confirm this and create NEW SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION that improves understanding and treatment of infectious diseases. Recent manuscripts from our laboratory were published in highly respected journals. These MANUSCRIPTS describe:
- a new understanding of canine Hepatozoon spp. infection (Li et al., 2008; Allen et al., 2008);
- improved diagnosis and treatment monitoring of Babesia spp. infection in dogs (Wang et al., 2010a);
- unambiguous discrimination of FIV-vaccinated from FIV-infected cats with the assay for feline immunodeficiency virus, and identification of the subtype of the detected FIV strain (Wang et al., 2010b);
- our Salmonella spp. PCR helped to investigate Salmonella enterica infections in leatherback turtle breeding grounds in the Caribbean (Dutton et al., 2013);
- our Chlamydia spp., E. coli O157:H7, and pathogenic Salmonella spp., and Listeria monocytogenes PCRs have been approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for monitoring of transgenically-produced biotechnology pharmaceutics;
- our pathogenic Leptospira spp. PCR has been proven the most sensitive detection method for leptospira infection in dogs (Xu et al., 2014);
- with custom-developed real-time PCRs we have helped to analyze the impact of the Gulf oil spill on fish health (Crowe et al., 2014);
- and recently we contributed with multiple assays, most prominently for heartworm, to new knowledge about blood-borne parasites in dogs in Nicaragua (Wei at al. Parasites & Vectors 7_126, 2014).
The Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory uses state-of-the-art technology to diagnose pathogens by quantitative detection of signature nucleic acid sequences. The lab is based on the application of patent-pending real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology developed in Dr. Bernhard Kaltenboeck’s laboratory. Assay costs are $90 each, and diagnostic results are available within 24 hours of sample receipt.
All assays are in-house developed for highest sensitivity (detection of single target molecules) and specificity (fluorescent probe detection). Such PCR diagnostics translate immediately into effectively targeted therapy rather than serving mainly as retrospective confirmation.
- Anaplasmosis
- Bartonella henselae
- Canine Babesiosis
- Canine Distemper Virus
- Canine Ehrlichiosis
- Canine Hepatozoonosis
- Canine Lyme Borrelia
- Chlamydia spp
- Escherichia coli O157:H7
- Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
- Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus
- Heartworm
- Hemotrophic Mycoplasmosis
- Influenza A Virus
- Leptospira spp
- Listeria monocytogenes
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Salmonella spp
Our Technology
For detection of extremely low numbers of Chlamydia bacteria, we optimized existing real-time PCR technology (PDF) at several steps from sample collection through analysis of duplex reverse-transcriptase PCR assays.
- Sampling (PDF) was optimized for preservation of target nucleic acids in specimens. This is important for detection of low pathogen concentrations.
- Nucleic acid extraction (PDF) was improved for maximum concentration of rare target nucleic acids such that as few as 7 copies of a nucleic acids per milliliter of original sample (blood, urine, tissue, …) can be reliably detected.
- Chemistry (PDF) and thermal cycling strategy (PDF) of real-time PCR was optimized for robust amplification.
- For quantification of gene transcription, a method for simultaneous amplification of 2 target mRNAs (PDF) in a single real-time PCR was developed. This method provides high accuracy, speed, sensitivity, and ease of detection and quantification of gene activity, and is also the basis of our reverse transcription PCRs for detection of RNA viruses.
- New assays can typically be developed and fully validated within 2 weeks if target nucleic acids are available. We are continuously developing new assays for diagnostic targets of interest. We are also interested in suggestions for assays of diagnostic value and encourage inquiries about such new assays. Please contact us with your questions and/or suggestions.
The combined use of modified nucleic acid extraction and real-time PCR methodology in our diagnostic platform can generate results within 3 hours. Batch nucleic acid extraction followed by real-time PCR on the same day allows communication of results within 24 hours. Finally, the robust assay technology ensures reliable results.
Sensitivity (PDF)
Specificity (PDF)
Quantification (PDF)
Differentiation (PDF)
Specimen Submission
- Identify sampling requirements for each assay.
- Collect Specimen: Sterile EDTA blood is acceptable for blood-borne infectious agents. Do NOT freeze specimens.
- Submit specimens with the Pathobiology Diagnostics Submission Portal by courier or mail to:
Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Pathobiology, Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory
350 Greene Hall Annex
Auburn, AL 36849-5519
Phone: (334) 844-2690
Fax: 334-844-2652
Email: - Specimen collection with our Sample Submission Kit ensures maximum sensitivity of the PCR. The buffer in the collection tubes is designed for optimum preservation of nucleic acids and their recovery in subsequent extraction. No refrigeration or freezing of samples is required. Please reference the submission kit’s Material Safety Data Sheet (PDF) before and during use.
- International Shipping: canine and feline samples may be shipped without US import permits. Please check the international shipping requirements (PDF).
Molecular Diagnostics Submission Form (PDF)
Frequently Asked Questions
After reviewing the FAQs, if you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at (334) 844-2690 or email us at