Pathobiology Graduate Research Scholars Program

The Department of Pathobiology is seeking highly qualified and motivated Ph.D. level graduate students for the Pathobiology Graduate Research Scholars Program (PGRSP).

The PGRSP assistantships include a competitive stipend plus tuition waiver, and three separate 6-8-week research laboratory rotations, after which the student and mentor will decide on a permanent research lab assignment for the student.

Minimum candidate qualifications include BS or MS in biology, biochemistry or related scientific discipline or DVM degree. Prior research experience is preferred.

Departmental research programs exist in:

  • infectious diseases and epidemiology
  • molecular microbiology
  • diagnostics and genetics
  • food safety and pathogen detection
  • basic and applied immunology
  • parasitology
  • platelet pathophysiology
  • oncology
  • diabetes and metabolic diseases
  • embryo-pathogen interactions
  • toxicology
  • poultry pathology
  • neuropathology

Applications should be submitted to the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program via and indicate your interest in the Pathobiology Graduate Research Scholars Program in your Letter of Intent.

For more information, contact the graduate school at or Dr. Chengming Wang at