Class of 2020 Commencement to be held virtually on August 1
Given current circumstances and limitations to interstate travel, and in the spirit of public health, the Vet Med Class of 2020 commencement ceremony scheduled for Saturday, August 1, has been postponed indefinitely.
Students and families are invited to visit the College of Veterinary Medicine campus from 3:00-5:00 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, August 1, 2020, with opportunities to take some candid outdoor photos in your regalia at several designated memorable areas. Access to the interior of buildings will be limited, however a photographer will be available inside the entrance to the Bailey Small Animal Hospital to take formal photos of graduates in their regalia beside the seal. Face covers, physical distancing and other appropriate biosafety measures will be required.
At 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 1, a brief commencement ceremony will take place virtually through Facebook Live @auburnvetmed. This time of celebration and fellowship will include congratulatory remarks from Dean Johnson, graduation speech by Dr. Dan Givens, comments from class representatives and dramatic roll-call of members of the Class of 2020. The evening will close with an informal Zoom fellowship with your classmates, faculty and friends
Please join us on August 1 to celebrate our time together.