J.T. Vaughan Large Animal Teaching Hospital is now offering Animal Chiropractic services
Animal Chiropractic helps diagnose vertebral subluxation complexes (VSC’s) and abnormal joints in both the spine and the extremities of animals. These VSC’s can affect the neural integrity and end up affecting the normal function of different organs and the overall health of the animal, but in general the musculoskeletal system is the most commonly affected.
Any animal may benefit from having a chiropractic adjustment, as it aids in supporting musculoskeletal and neurologic function. Gentle range of motion, traction and joint mobilization techniques and specific adjustments of areas of restriction or hypomobility may aid patients in restoring some joint motion, subsequent musculoskeletal movement and neurologic stimulation.
Evaluation and treatment can be performed either on the farm or in the teaching hospital. Initial evaluation will include a physical and neurologic examination as well as discussion of historical and current health or performance concerns. Following examination for restrictions or areas of hypomobility, specific adjustments followed by evaluation of effectiveness will be performed. Animal Chiropractic is well tolerated and noninvasive, and can be used in conjunction with other therapies. Most examinations and treatment sessions last less than one hour depending on the patient. Frequency of therapy will vary depending on how the animal responds to the adjustments and the type of issue they are dealing with.
Dr. Alfredo Sanchez-Londoño sees all Animal Chiropractic patients, including small animals, horses and farm animals. Dr. Sanchez received his Animal Chiropractic training through the nationally accredited program at Options for Animals and received certification of competency through the International Veterinary Chiropractic Association (IVCA). Additionally, he is board certified in Large Animal Internal Medicine (ACVIM).
Appointments are required for non-emergency visits to the Vaughan Large Animal Teaching Hospital. To schedule an appointment, please call (334) 844-4490 Monday-Friday, 7:30am to 4:30pm CST. For more information, visit vetmed.auburn.edu.