Veterinary Organizations Responding to Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts

Alabama VMF logoThe devastating effects of Hurricane Harvey continue to unfold across southern Texas and well beyond. A number of organizations are in place to enable those associated with Auburn University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, and others, to assist.

“Many of the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine’s alumni, faculty, staff and students have asked how they can personally help in the massive recovery effort, particularly as it relates to caring for the needs of animals,” said Dean Calvin Johnson. “There are many ways to assist in the overall effort. I have been informed of several organizations that are receiving funds that will directly serve the needs of animals in affected areas.”

Veterinary organizations assisting in the Hurricane Harvey emergency include:

The Alabama Veterinary Medical Foundation
The Alabama Veterinary Medical Foundation has established a Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief fund and encourages all Alabama Veterinary Medical Association professionals to consider donating. One hundred percent of funds donated will be directed to the Texas Veterinary Medical Association for utilization in the area of greatest need.

American VMF LogoThe American Veterinary Medical Foundation
The American Veterinary Medical Foundation, the charitable arm of the AVMA, has established a disaster relief fund to provide emergency veterinary medical care and temporary boarding to animal victims of disasters. Please use the AVMF code “Disaster Relief” when completing the donation form.


The Texas A&M Veterinary Emergency Disaster Fund
The Texas A&M Veterinary Emergency Disaster Fund supports the Texas A&M Veterinary Emergency Team (VET), probably the largest, most responsive veterinary emergency response team in the nation, which deployed to the Houston area the day before Hurricane Harvey hit.

“I want to thank everyone in the Auburn veterinary family for reaching out to those in need through these and other worthy organizations,” Dr. Johnson said. “This will be a prolonged recovery effort that will require sustained support from all who are able to give.”


The College of Veterinary Medicine is the South’s oldest and nation’s seventh oldest veterinary medical program, celebrating 125 years. We prepare individuals for careers of excellence in veterinary medicine, including private and public practice, industrial medicine, academics, and research. The college provides programs of instruction, research, outreach, and service that are in the best interests of the citizens of the state of Alabama, the region, the nation, and the world.

Mitch Emmons (