K. Scott Delmain, DVM

Professor of Practice

K. Scott Delmain Photo


Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Auburn University
College of Veterinary Medicine
1130 Wire Road
Auburn, AL 36849



BS 1986 University of Florida
DVM 1990 University of Florida 

Professional Experience


Small Animal Practice
Feline-only Practice



Dr. Delmain joined the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology in 2019. Prior to coming to Auburn, Dr. Delmain was an exclusively small animal practitioner. He founded, along with his wife Dr. Diane Delmain, a feline only hospital in Orlando, Florida in 1996 where he developed a special interest in dentistry.

Lectures in feline anatomy and assists in the gross labs for VMED 9111 Veterinary Anatomy I (fall semester)
VMED 9121 Veterinary Anatomy II (spring semester).

Academic Areas



Key Words

