Canine Hemangiosarcoma Clinical Trial

Refer your canine hemoabdomen patients

Auburn Oncology is happy to partner with Ethos Discovery as a site in the Southeast for their clinical trial for canine hemangiosarcoma. New data, including over 190 prospectively evaluated dogs with hemoabdomen, indicates there is more hope than you may think for your patients: 

  • Approximately 30-40% of older large breed dogs with hemoabdomen have benign tumors that are cured with surgery alone. Until now we were misled by retrospective studies that predicted a much lower rate of benign tumors of the spleen. 
  • Over 95% of dogs recover from surgery and are discharged in under 48 hours. 
  • Our open prospective trial offers state of the art care with significant financial support to your clients. 

The Ethos Precision Medicine Umbrella Trial in Hemangiosarcoma (Ethos-PUSH) is seeking to develop a cure for dogs with hemangiosarcoma through a combination of molecular analysis and novel therapeutics. The study is currently open in 18 Ethos hospitals across the U.S. including Auburn. 

Eligibility – Splenectomy 

Patients MUST undergo splenectomy at Auburn University or one of the other participating Ethos hospitals. Dogs that already had their spleen removed are not candidates.

Any dog with a hemoabdomen secondary to a ruptured splenic tumor is eligible for the study. These patients are immediately eligible to receive a $1000 discount off the cost of their splenectomy (provided by Ethos Discovery) at one of the participating Ethos hospitals, including Auburn’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Some dogs may not be eligible if they have pulmonary metastasis, significant heart disease, or have received chemotherapy in the previous 30 days. 

Eligibility – Treatment 

Dogs that are confirmed to have hemangiosarcoma are potentially eligible for the treatment phase of the study with Auburn Veterinary Oncology, which is fully funded (no cost to the owner). This phase offers several novel therapies for hemangiosarcoma that were selected based on our current understanding of hemangiosarcoma genomics. 

Please inform your owners about the new hope around hemoabdomens and encourage them to enter a prospective clinical trial like Ethos-PUSH. It is through this collaborative approach that we will cure this disease! Please contact the oncology service at Auburn at

Dr. Stephanie Lindley
Dr. Noelle Bergman
Dr. Ashley Smith

Auburn Vet Med Oncology Service 

Phone: (334) 844-4690 

For more information about Ethos Discovery and their other clinical trials, please visit

Canine Hemangiosarcoma Clinical Trial Flyer (PDF)