Foster a culture of high performance
We shape the college’s future.
Operational excellence is foundational to the success of all elements of our strategic plan. Implementing operational efficiency and effectiveness measures will support a culture of high performance and collegiality throughout the college. By focusing on creative solutions and maintaining flexibility to direct funding to areas that help us achieve our bold aspirations and ambitious vision, we will become a model of operational success in veterinary medical education.
- Emphasize public engagement and philanthropy to improve financial sustainability.
- Develop public-private partnerships to support and enhance college operations.
- Implement administrative efficiencies.
- Promote responsible resource stewardship.
- Enhance safety and security.
- Cultivate new strategic partnerships with corporations, government, foundations and individuals sharing the college’s vision for excellence.
- Leverage campus resources to grow investments in college operations.
- Streamline administrative processes through internal audits and responsive changes.
- Quantify costs and revenues associated with educating veterinary and biomedical science students.
- Develop partnerships and identify opportunities for resource-sharing.
- Supplement campus-wide alert systems by developing a college-level security response network.
- Grow investments in animal-use infrastructure and security.